Project Partners

TechnoServe works with entrepreneurs in developing countries to build competitive farms, businesses and industries. TechnoServe is a non-profit organization that develops business solutions to poverty by connecting people to information, capital and markets. TechnoServe has been providing technical assistance to Mozambican industries, agribusinesses and entrepreneurs with high growth potential for over 20 years. They have contributed to the creation of a competitive and sustainable agricultural commercial sector, which has generated opportunities for small-scale farmers and rural suppliers, in addition to employment opportunities for low-income rural communities.
AZUL Consultoria
AZUL Consultoria is a social enterprise based in northern Mozambique, Cabo Delgado province. Focusing on youth as the future of the country, AZUL Consultoria specializes in the design, implementation and monitoring of awareness campaigns and education programs.
AZUL Consultoria offers professional solutions to social challenges through projects using innovative methods of management, communication and knowledge dissemination, based on specialized networks and tested experiences. The vision of AZUL Consultoria is to contribute to social change, through a new self-confident, aware and responsible generation.
Agribusiness Partners
The Catalisa project has partnerships with 17 commercial agribusinesses and is currently providing technical assistance to farmers, identifying and assessing candidates for inclusion in the horticulture and poultry value chains.
The project is also developing financial and inputs packages for these farmers, as well as partnerships with lenders and agricultural inputs providers, while supporting nine agribusiness partners with business advice and expanded technical assistance.
Currently the Catalisa project works with the following agribusiness partners:
RW Machambas
RW Machambas is a company established in 2017 in Montepuez, specializing in the production of vegetables. The company produces and packages vegetables and fruits, commercializing the local market. RW Machambas is an aggregator and supplier of inputs to smallholder farmers in their community as well.

M'Puez Veg (MPV)
M'Puez Veg (MPV) is a vegetable production company in the Pemba area, operating since 2012. The company produces and sells high-margin commercial vegetables in local markets and to suppliers in the region, and also acts as an aggregator for smallholder farmers in its community.
Susen Human
+258 84 918 6426
Andre Human
+258 84 918 6392
Iocomas Farm
Iocomas Farm is a vegetable production company in the Pemba corridor. The company also adds value to the product of local farmers, from which it buys and sells in local and regional markets.
Anastacio Munguambe
+258 861771264

Quivoloca is a vegetable producer operating in the Pemba corridor (Metuge and Namuno). The company also adds value to local farmers’ businesses, including the provision of transport services, for the distribution and sale of their products to local and regional markets.
Casimiro Quivolca
Mutica is a vegetable producer in the Pemba (Chiúre) corridor supplying the Namapa, Chiúre and Pemba markets.
Raimundo Mutica

Veggie Basket
Veggie Basket is a vegetable production company in the province that produces and assists in adding value to local growers' produce through the provision of cold storage and transportation. Early this year the company expanded its operations to Palma, where also farm vegetable and supplies the local market in addition to support the local small holder farm providing technical assistance and facilitating access to inputs throughout its networking.
CAGROPEC is a vegetable production company operating in Montepuez, also providing assistance in adding value to local farmers’ produce, including transportation services for distribution and sale to local markets and suppliers.

Victor Barco Sanches
Victor Barco Sanches owns a horticultural production company in Montepuez that focuses on the production of high-margin vegetables for the formal market. The company is also dedicated to inspiring other local producers to invest in vegetable production.
Irmãs Mercedarias
Irmãs Mercedarias is a religious, non-profit organization operating in Cabo Delgado since 2007. In addition to its social work, the organization operates a horticultural and poultry (eggs) demonstration plot, whose production serves the local community.
Ofelia - Manager

AQI (formerly Casa do Agricultor) is one of the largest agricultural inputs distribution companies in Mozambique and has stores and distributors throughout the country. AQI has expanded its operations into Cabo Delgado, where it has become a major supplier of agricultural inputs, with a focus on horticulture and poultry farming in the Pemba-Montepuez-Chiure corridor.
Sandra Fumo Bendzane – Assets Manager
+258870366040 / +258847832701
Elaco Orera
Elaco Orera is a poultry company in the Pemba corridor that started in 2018 and specializes in the production and marketing of eggs, boasting the first commercial egg production business in the province. As part of its expansion by business diversification it has started last year producing Day One Old chicks to supply the local market and around market, unfortunately they had stop production due unable to import fertilized eggs due to impact of the Covid-19.

AVIMAGAS is an egg production company in the Pemba corridor, with many years of experience in broiler production and current expansion to eggs production, and units in Pemba and Montepuez. The company is testing a business model through which it implements an aggregation system to purchase eggs from small local producers.
Moageira Abibo
Moageira Abibo is an agro-processing company. The company started processing maize meal in 2006 in Pemba and over the year diversified into additional cereals such as rice, millet etc. In 2019 with support of Catalisa project, the company has expanded operations into the production of poultry feed consisting of maize and soybeans as part of value chain development in the province.

Baia Agronegocios
Baia Agronegocios is a joint venture created on end of 2021, between Avibila and Elaco Orera with aim to establish a slaughterhouse for poultry processing in the province. This venture, was create to boast the poultry production providing alternative market for live chickens. The partners bring for this venture huge experience within the value chain and footprint within the province. AVIBILA is a poultry producer and processing company and Elaco Orera is an Eggs and Chicks producer with large experience within the value chain.
Yacub Latif

SAC Agribusiness
SAC Agribusiness is a company in the poultry sector in Pemba, which is in the area of production and sale of live chickens to the local market, through a network of local dealers.
Emany Frangos
Emany Frangos is a poultry company in Pemba that produces and sells live chickens on the local market, which are subsequently marketed through a network of local dealers. The owner started the business as part of it personal income diversification and at the time used to produce occasionally.

Ismael Biché
Ismael Biché is a farmer who operates a poultry demonstration plot in Metuge, whose operations serve the local community, allowing smallholder poultry farmers to learn about good rearing practices to expand their businesses.